Thursday, December 29, 2005


Molecular Biology in Cellular Pathology

ISBN: 0470844752 - Title: Molecular Biology in Cellular Pathology
Author: John Crocker - Publisher: John Wiley & Sons


The latest edition of this highly successful text, covers the major advances in the methods used in cellular and molecular pathology. In recent years, knowledge of the molecular organization of the cell has led to the development of powerful new techniques that bring greater accuracy and objectives to the diagnosis, prognosis and management of many diseases and to the study of pathological states. This book describes the latest molecular techniques available for the analysis of diseases. In particular it includes new techniques using fluorescent dyes, DNA microarrays, protein chemistry, and mass spectrometry. It also incorporates information from the Human Genome Project, and the new disciplines of genomics and proteomics, where relevant to pathology. Color plates are a new feature of this edition, illustrating the advances in fluorescence labeling of cells.


Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th edition

W.B. Saunders Company - 1999 - Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th edition - ISBN 072167335X - 1425s.jpg (11.86 КБ)

Ramzi S. Cotran, Vinay Kumar, Tucker Collins and Stanley L. Robbins,
«Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease, 6th edition»
W.B. Saunders Company | ISBN 072167335X | 1999 Year | PDB | 29,3 Mb | 1425 Pages

“ Through six editions, Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease has been the leading textbook
in its field. No other resource has been able to match its outstanding coverage of
pathophysiology and disease. Now renamed Robbins and Cotran Pathologic
Basis of Disease, the new, 7th Edition of this classic text delivers a host of
improvements that make it an even clearer choice for students and practitioners!

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Color Atlas of Pathology
PDF in RAR | 100+25 Mb | Rapidshare | No Password
480 pp, 1,017 images, most in color | ISBN 1588901173 / 3131277815

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“ The pocket atlas is an excellent reference work that presents pathologic findings in all clinically relevant fields, using high-quality photographs and concise, well structured explanatory texts. Images include color photos and micrographs. Electron microscopic images are included where necessary. Clear schematic drawings illustrate procedures such as the course of infections, etc. Text boxes on clinical and morphological aspects, on complications, and with easy-to-remember mnemonic summaries are set off in color. ”
Need both parts...



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